Escape porn addiction

Embrace healthy life

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What is Porn Addiction?

porn addiction is a phenomenon of the brain marked by compulsive use of pornography which proves difficult to stop despite negative consequences, and which often worsens over time

Markers of porn addiction

Individuals may think their porn use is potentially addictive if they have all of the following markers

Increased consumption over time

Individuals with porn addiction often find themselves increasing the frequency and duration of their viewing over time.

Persistent use despite negative outcomes

Addicts may find that their use of pornography negatively affects their relationships, family, health, or career, yet struggle to stop despite these consequences.

Escalation in intensity

Porn addicts may require more intense experiences to achieve satisfaction, which can involve longer viewing sessions and a diversification of content types.

Symptoms of porn addiction

Sexual dysfunctions

Such as erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation, as well as a decrease in sensitivity due to overstimulation.


The impact of addiction on sleep patterns and overall health can lead to chronic fatigue.

Lack of motivation

A lack of motivation is common, with the addiction taking precedence over other life goals and interests.

Clouding of consciousness

The cognitive effects, often referred to as "brain fog," can cloud consciousness and affect daily functioning and decision-making.

Why is porn addiction difficult to overcome?

Problem 1: porn is more available than primitive sex

The modern environment provides an unprecedented level of access to pornography, overwhelming the reward system which evolved in an era of scarcity.

Problem 2: porn is more novel than primitive sex

The brain's reward system is wired to seek novel experiences, and the internet offers an endless stream of new pornographic content, fueling the addiction.

Problem 3: porn is more stimulating than primitive sex

Pornography often presents exaggerated, artificial stimuli that can be more compelling than real-life sexual encounters, creating a supernormal response.

How to Overcome Porn Addiction

Rebooting your brain

Rebooting is the practice of abstaining from pornography, masturbation, and sometimes orgasm to allow the brain and body to recover from the effects of problematic sexual habits.

Step 1: Commit to abstinence

The first step in rebooting is to make a commitment to abstain from pornography, masturbation, and sometimes orgasm for a set period. This decision marks the beginning of the process and is crucial for initiating the recovery from the negative effects of these behaviors.

Step 2: Choose your challenge duration

This could range from a few days to several months, with a 90-day reboot often considered a significant milestone. The chosen duration should be challenging yet achievable, allowing for a meaningful period of abstinence for recovery.

Step 3: Develop supportive habits and hobbies

It's important to cultivate new habits and hobbies that promote self-growth and fill the time previously spent on problematic behaviors. This can include exercise, meditation, or learning new skills, which can help to reduce the risk of relapse and enhance overall well-being.

Step4: Exercise patience

Recovery is not immediate and that it involves ups and downs. By remaining patient, individuals can expect to see improvements in their mental and emotional state, as well as in their sexual health and overall well-being.

Rebooting your brain